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1st class dissertation

1st class dissertation

1st class dissertation

Attaining a first class dissertation means achieving a grade of 70% or higher and this equates to knowing your subject thoroughly, to the extent that you can meaningfully add new insight to the body of existing scholarship. The easiest way to do this is to read as much relevant literature as possible 1st Class Dissertation I like the discount system and your anti-plagiarism 1st Class Dissertation policy. Thank you very much for the professional job you do. I am planning to work with your essay writing company in the future. I do recommend this website to everyone who wants to receive perfect papers/10() Jul 09,  · A First class dissertation must show a real focus on the issues that are relevant to your area of study, and combine the theory and practice together with a

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Home » First Class Dissertation. It was only when I began studying criminology at university that I unearthed many underlying questions relating to the abuse I suffered as a child and from watching my mother be psychically and mentally abused. In the early stages of my dissertation, I was gathering literature to 1st class dissertation my understanding on domestic abuse. I came across two essential books, one book was recommended by paulaabowles, my dissertation supervisor: Scream Quietly or the Neighbours Will Hear by Erin Pizzey.

The second book was: Education Groups for Men Who Batter: The Duluth Model by Pence and Paymar. This book aided my knowledge on the management of male abusers and how their abusive behaviour is explained by the using the visual theoretical framework known as, the Duluth Model; the Power and Control Wheel.

I gathered more literature on domestic abuse and formed the backbone for my dissertation, it was time to self-reflect and establish my standpoint so that I could conduct my research as effectively and ethically.

This was the most important aspect of the dissertation; the most influential too. In my second-year studies, we were required to conduct research in a criminal justice agency 1st class dissertation form a placement report; I chose a charitable organisation based in Northampton that provided support to female victims and offenders in the criminal justice system. For my dissertation, I chose to go back to the facility to conduct further research, this time my focus was on the detrimental effects experienced by female victims of domestic abuse.

I chose feminism as my standpoint due to the fundamental theoretical question centred in the social phenomenon of domestic abuse: gender inequality. I believe the feminist perspective was the most compatible and reliable standpoint to tackle my research with, it allowed room for self-reflection to identify my own biases and to recognise societal influences on how I interpret experiences and emotions.

Over the course of nine weeks, 1st class dissertation, I had formed trustworthy and respectful relationships with the participants, 1st class dissertation, I had also encountered epiphanies and clarities regarding my own experiences of domestic abuse. Through using the research method observation participation, I was able to observe the body language and facial expressions of the participants alongside witnessing their emotions and participating in conversation.

When writing the conclusion for my dissertation, 1st class dissertation, I was able to establish that psychological and emotional abuse can be more detrimental to the victim than the physical violence itself.

anger and guilt. I was able to conclude my dissertation with supporting evidence to credit my original question, through using personal experience and the experience of the wonderful women that participated in my research. Overall, the experience was incredibly insightful and provided me with transferable interpersonal and analytical skills. Previous entries covered race and discrimination, homelessness, hate crime, and working with sex offenders, among other things; all good meaty stuff that is highly relevant to the study of criminology, and to society.

I knew I was taking a risk when I decided to mix it up and write a criminology dissertation that was based on historical crime and punishment, as there was the chance that it fell into neither camp.

From these, my idea was firstly to examine who 1st class dissertation the death penalty and why, and why some were pardoned while others were not. Secondly, when it came to pardoning, who had the power to pardon and what were the criteria used? I was also particularly interested in the political aspect of this. What soon became obvious was that even plus years ago, it was the same people committing crime as it is today: the working-class poor, the marginalised and the desperate.

And just as today, when those with money, power and connections commit crime, it was not considered crime in the same way, and therefore, the punishment was not the same. I could see then, that I would be able to apply relevant criminological theory.

I also needed to incorporate a fair bit of law and constitutional changes to the criminal justice system. I actually really enjoyed researching 1st class dissertation dissertation, especially the case studies.

After doing lots of research on the Old Bailey OnlineI found 3 cases from which highlighted 3 different outcomes for the same crime, as a way of showing the criteria used for deciding who was pardoned and who was left to hang.

I also examined several more recent death penalty cases from the 1st class dissertation th and 21 st centuries, to show that the royal pardon is still an essential part of the criminal justice system, despite modernisations designed to replace it, like the introduction of the Criminal Cases Review Commission. My advice to students in year 2 is: start thinking about your dissertation early!

At one point I was so worried that I even talked to paulaabowles about deferring my dissertation until next year! Hay, D, 1st class dissertation. Property, Authority and the Criminal Law. In: Hay, D. and Winslow, C, 1st class dissertation. London: Verso. Travis, 1st class dissertation, A. The Guardian London, England. Stephanie is a BA Criminology graduate of and was motivated 1st class dissertation write this blog through the experience of her own dissertation, 1st class dissertation.

Last year was a very important time for me, during my second year of studying Criminology I began doing a work placement with Race Act 40, which was an oral history project to celebrate 40 years of the Race Relations Act The interviews that were conducted during my placement allowed me to get a variety of in-depth stories about racial 1st class dissertation of Afro-Caribbean migration settlers in the UK. When exploring whether they have seen changes post and pre-Race Relations they insisted that although the individual within society treated them better and accepted them post-Race relations, 1st class dissertation, to an extent there is a long way to go to improve the hostile 1st class dissertation that has been formed with politicians and police.

The notion of hostility between politicians and the 1st class dissertation community 1st class dissertation reinforced, 1st class dissertation, as the UK was going through the Windrush scandal which affected the core of every Afro-Caribbean household within the UK. This was extremely important for me as both paternal and maternal grandparents were first generation Windrush settlers.

The hostility that they faced stepping off the Windrush echoed similar hostility they were facing inthe fact that the British government had started deporting people who were invited into the country as commonwealth workers to build a country that had been torn apart as a corollary of war was a slap in the face. It is hard to convince Black people in that they are not targets of poor similar treatment when they have been criminalised again and documents have been destroyed to exonerate them from criminality.

I have outlined the reasons why this topic has been important to me and my advice to any Criminology student who is going to be writing a dissertation is, to find a topic that is important and relevant to you, if you are passionate about a topic it will shine through in your research.

My name is Francine Bitalo, I am 21 years old and a Criminology undergraduate at the 1st class dissertation of Northampton. Coming from a black African background I have always had a strong interest in the Criminal Justice System and its treatment towards different groups in society.

My dissertation was based on the impact of police practices such as stop and search on young black men and their families. Whilst statistics present the alarming racial disproportionately which exist in many areas in the criminal justice system, it fails to portray the long-lasting effects it has had on Black families. For example, the daily harassment and differential treatment subjected to young Black men has forced black families to reinvent themselves to conform to institutional racism.

Coming from a Black family myself and having male 1st class dissertation member, the findings in 1st class dissertation dissertation quickly became personal to me, as I could constantly relate them to the structuring of my own family. For example, the fact that it would take my father longer to find a job due to institutional racism, 1st class dissertation, making my mother the breadwinner, 1st class dissertation, or when my mother is preparing my brothers for police harassment and discrimination, but not me and sisters.

While conducting my research I was quick to learn that what literature may describe as a phenomenon, for many of us is a reality. If I am honest the writing stage of my dissertation 1st class dissertation difficult for me because it was a passionate topic.

I experienced a lot of self-doubt regarding my positionality for example, being a Black woman and facing my own forms of discrimination and now having to talk about the experiences of young Black men. I mean who would blame me, as a student, if I am honest I felt like literature really let me down for instance, when writing my literature review I found that literature neglected the subject of racism solely from the perspectives of young Black men, 1st class dissertation, despite statistics showing them to being the largest group to experience institutional racism.

At this point I had to laugh at the criminal justice system and its propositions to improving police relations as well as re offending. I understand this is a strong claim to make however I say this because not only did literature provide little of the work of Black scholars regarding the topic, yet it was evident that most white scholars did not see the issue with stop and search and its discriminate use.

Arguments for this were discussed in my dissertation for example, some argued that the process of racial socialisation in Black households were ineffective to police relations and the functioning of their services, which creates the notion that the Black community should submit to discrimination and harassment in favour of procedures and compliance during police encounter, 1st class dissertation. Some tried to justify the disproportionality in stop and search by claiming that young Black men should be harassed because they tend to be out more especially in certain urban areas or the disproportionate targeting of Black minors is due to parental criminality.

I felt there was a lack of accountability from white scholar thus, little understanding in the issue of race which is natural because their experiences do not allow them to understand. After completing my dissertation and getting a First Class I felt extremely proud of myself, the fact that I did not shy away from the research topic despite it being limited in literature. As a result, it was satisfying to know that I was able to articulate the experiences of others to a First Class standard.

I hope this can encourage others to trust in their abilities and put aside any doubts especially when choosing a research topic. As a student writing a dissertation or even an assignment, I believe we should explore the unexplored, open the unopened and always be willing to discover and learn. Do not be afraid of researching something that is limited or has never been done.

Lastly as my dissertation was extremely passionate to me I have decided to turn it into a personal project and continue researching the topic. That was literally only about a couple months before i got arrested… for rape. I had just turned 20 years old when I conducted my first interview with a sex offender. I was prepping for my dissertation in the summer before my final year, conducting research in a probation office I volunteered at.

I was allowed to observe, teach and in the final week I would be able to interview 3 males I had been observing. I interviewed the first two males who both I had taught some very basic numeracy skills to, they were both as they were in my observations, very calm and just trying to get through each day without breaching their probation orders.

My final interview was with a young male who I had been helping prepare to apply for a construction worker card, which would allow him to apply for building work.

In my months of observing and teaching him 1st class dissertation felt like he was no different to males I went to school with or anyone you would pass on the street. I did not want to know what his crime was, as a probation mentor that was never my focus, nor my business to know.

Ethically speaking, I was challenged by the idea that I was conducting an interview and research with the consent of an individual who in my eyes did not understand the concept of consent. That may seem like a harmful way to view this man and the outlook of his time in probation as ultimately it was about reform and reintegration after his time in prison. I have progressed a lot since this day and 1st class dissertation no longer view this person so hopelessly in my memory, then again, I am unsure of what he is doing now, 1st class dissertation.

Each time I remember the interview and my experience there, I have different thoughts and different feelings, which I suppose is human nature. But before this experience, 1st class dissertation had always worked with those whose crimes seemed relatively minor comparatively. Sexual violence is not something to me that is as simple to categorise or try to understand. I remember getting home a few hours later and sobbing for a victim I knew nothing about other than her perpetrator.

The experience has always stuck with me and made me appreciate the complexity of not 1st class dissertation sexual offences but also the role of reform with sexual offences.

It has led me to explore research around sexual violence and I have recently been exploring the work of Elizabeth Stanko and also revisiting my books by Susan Brownmiller, 1st class dissertation.

Both examine the role of the victim of sexual violence and raise questions about how 1st class dissertation sexual violence has been viewed. This is a personal experience and not something I think everyone will relate to, but from experiences shared, there are lessons to be learnt.

My dissertation explored social issues through the musical genres of Rap and Hip-Hop, 1st class dissertation. During the time period of writing my dissertation there was the rising debate surrounding the association of a new genre, Drill music, being linked to the rise in violent crimes by young people in England London specifically. The following link to an article from the Guardian 1st class dissertation will provide a greater insight to the subject matter:, 1st class dissertation.

The idea of music having a direct correlation with 1st class dissertation sweeps issues such as poverty, social deprivation, class and race all under the rug; when in reality these are just a few of the definitive issues that these marginalised groups face.

We see prior examples of this in the late 80s, with rap group N. The song surrounded the topic of police brutality and brought light to the disgust and outrage of the wider community to this issue. Simultaneously to this, the N. A were refused from running concerts as they were 1st class dissertation of starting revolts. The song was made as a response to their environment, but why is freedom of speech limited to certain sectors of society? In the present day, we see young people having lower prospects of being homeowners, high rates of unemployment, and the cost of living increasing.

HOW TO GET A FIRST IN YOUR DISS II First class dissertation advice \u0026 explaining my diss!

, time: 13:26

How to Write a First Class Dissertation | Academic Sciences

1st class dissertation

Jul 09,  · A First class dissertation must show a real focus on the issues that are relevant to your area of study, and combine the theory and practice together with a Dissertation examples. Listed below are some of the best examples of research projects and dissertations from undergraduate and taught postgraduate students at the University of Leeds. We have not been able to gather examples from all schools. The module requirements for research projects may have changed since these examples were written After completing my dissertation and getting a First Class I felt extremely proud of myself, the fact that I did not shy away from the research topic despite it being limited in literature. As a result, it was satisfying to know that I was able to articulate the experiences of others to a First Class standard

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