IAS Prize for Best Thesis or Dissertation and IAS Prize for Best Essay or Article in Inter-American Studies. Due to the pandemic, the competition was also postponed. We are now announcing a new deadline for the submissions: June 30, Nov 11, · The Ralph Henry Gabriel Prize has been awarded annually since to the best doctoral dissertation in American studies, American ethnic studies, or American women’s studies. The prize honors Ralph Henry Gabriel, professor emeritus at Yale University, and a founder and past president of the American Studies Association. Durban-Albrecht’s research makes significant Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins American Studies Association Dissertation Prize, Plymouth Will Writing Service, Mechancial Engineer Outine Researche Essay, Book Report Grade. Don’t worry: you won’t lose your money on the way to buying high-quality essays. All the payments on our website are % secure/10()
ASA Awards and Prizes | ASA
Oscar de la Torre Cueva University North Carolina - Charlotte People of the River: Nature and Identity in Black Amazonia, Gustavo PT Furtado Duke University Documentary Filmmaking in Contemporary Brazil: Cinematic Archives of the Present Oxford University Press, Jessica Graham UC San Diego Shifting the Meaning of Democracy: Race, Politics, and Culture in the United States and Brazil University of California Press, Jacob Blanc University of Edinburgh Before the Flood: The Itaipu Dam and the Visibility of Rural Brazil Duke University Press, Rebecca Tarlau Pennsylvania State University Occupying Schools, Occupying Land: How the Landless Workers Movement Transformed Brazilian Education Oxford University Press, Christopher Gibson Simon Fraser University Movement-Driven Development: The Politics of Health and Democracy in Brazil Stanford University Press, Lúcia Klück Stumpf Universidade de São Paulo Fragmentos de guerra: Imagens e visualidades da guerra contra o Paraguai Daniel Mandur Thomaz Ph.
in Modern Languages. Eyal Weinberg University of Texas american studies association dissertation prize Austin Tending to the Body Politic: Doctors, Military Repression, and Transitional Justice in Brazil in History.
Lorena Féres da Silva Telles Ph. D, Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas FFLCH, american studies association dissertation prize. Ximena Alexandra Sofia Gomez Carlin University of Massachusetts Amherst Nuestra Señora: Confraternal Art and Identity in Early Colonial Lima.
Carmen Diana Deere University of Florida, Gainseville Premio a la Excelencia Académica en los Estudios sobre Cuba. Sara Niedzwiecki and Santiago Anria University of California, Santa Cruz and Dickinson College Participatory Social Policies: Diverging Patterns in Brazil and Bolivia.
Pedro Mendes Loureiro University of Cambridge Social Structure and Distributive Policies Under the PT Governments: A Poverty-Reducing Variety of Neoliberalism. Estefania Aguayo Flacso Ecuador Itinerarios de cáncer de mama: relaciones de género en el ámbito biomédico.
Andrea Bravo Díaz University College London Waorani Living Well: An ethnographic study of wellbeing and its challenges along oil roads. Andrew C.
Rajca University of South Carolina "Urban Imaginaries, Spatial Practices, and Cinematic Aesthetics in Sérgio Bianchi's Os inquilinos. Niall Geraghty University College London Sonorous memory in Jonathan Perel¹s El predio and Los murales Luciana Caresani Universidad de Buenos Aires Representación y memoria en las imágenes de archivo del cine argentino sobre la guerra de Malvinas².
En Tompkins, C. y Flores, S. Diez miradas sobre el cine y audiovisual: volumen aniversario de la revista Imagofagia. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Colección Saberes. Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, pp, american studies association dissertation prize.
Juan Llamas Rodríguez University of Texas at Dallas Assistant Professor, american studies association dissertation prize, Critical Media Studies School of Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication.
Annie Wilkinson University of California, Irvine The Death Threat of Gender: Security Culture and Transnational Pro-Family Activism in Mexico. Carolina Arango-Vargas Drew University When Sisterhood is at Stake: The Case of a Colombian Feminist NGO in Times of Global Neoliberalism.
Nancy Kang University of Manitoba Ciguapismo: Rhina P, american studies association dissertation prize. Espaillat's Feminist Hermeneutics of Loss.
Jeffrey S. Kahn University of California, Davis Islands of Sovereignty: Haitian Migration and the Borders of Empire. Brandon R. Byrd Vanderbilt University The Black Republic: African Americans and the Fate of Haiti. Rebellion and Cold War in the Global s. Alison Bruey University of North Florida Bread, Justice, and Liberty: Grassroots Activism and Human Rights in Pinochet's Chile. Cynthia Milton Université de Montréal Conflicted Memory Military Cultural Interventions and the Human Rights Era in Peru.
Helga Baitenmann University of London "Zapata's Justice: Land and Water Conflict Resolution in Revolutionary Mexico Brian Palmer-Rubin Marquette University "Evading the Patronage Trap: Organizational Capacity and Demand Making in Mexico. Sara Potter University of Texas at El Paso "Of Monsters american studies association dissertation prize Malinches: Signifying Violence in Edgar Cléments Operación Bolívar and Tony Sandoval's El cadáver y el sofá. Nicole M, american studies association dissertation prize.
Guidotti-Hernández Emory University "Partido Liberal American studies association dissertation prize Intimate Betrayals: Enrique Flores Magón, Paula Carmona, and the Gendered History of Denunciation. Jorge Quintana Navarrete Darmouth University "Biopolítica y vida inorgánica: la plasmogenia de Alfonso Herrera. Natalia de Marinis Centro de Investigación y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social CIESAS Desplazadas por la guerra. Estado, género y american studies association dissertation prize en la región triqui, CIESAS.
Laura J. Torres-Rodríguez New American studies association dissertation prize University Orientaciones transpacíicas: La modernidad mexicana y el espectro de Asia, University of North Carolina Press.
Paul M. Worley y Rita M. Palacios Western Carolina University and American studies association dissertation prize College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Unwriting Maya Literature: Ts'íib as Recorded Knowledge, University of Arizona Press. Emily Hind University of Florida Dude Lit: Mexican Men Writing and Performing Competence,University of Arizona Press.
Jessica Wax-Edwards University of London Power, Violence, and Representation: The Visual Legacy of Felipe Calderón's Presidencty. Bruno Ríos Martínez de Castro University of Houston Escribir sobre la ruina. Operaciones políticas de la poesía mexicana contemporánea, Saúl Espino Armendáriz El Colegio de México Feminismo católico en México: la historia del CIDHAL y sus redes transnacionales c Rachel Grace Newman Columbia University Transnational Ambitions: Student Migrants and the Making of a National Future int Twentieth-Century Mexico.
Luis L. Schenoni University of Notre Dame Bringing War Back In: Victory and State Formation in Latin America. Katherine Bersch Davidson College When Democracies Deliver: Governance Reform in Latin America. New York: Cambridge University Press, Hillary Hiner and Juan Carlos Garrido Universidad de Chile "Antitrans State Terrorism: Trans and Travesti Women, Human Rights, and Recent History in Chile," TSQ vol.
Lindsay Mayka Colby College The Power of Human Rights Frames in Urban Security: Lessons from Bogotá. Víctor Mijares Universidad de los Andes, Colombia Soft balancing the titans: Venezuelan foreign-policy strategy toward the US, China, and Russia.
Jennifer Jolly Ithaca College Creating Pátzcuaro, Creating Mexico: Art, Tourism, and Nation Building Under Lázaro Cárdenas. First ed. Austin: University of Texas Press, Sara Garzón Cornell University "Manuel Amaru Cholango: Decolonizing Technologies and the Construction of Indigenous Futures.
Lesley A. Sections ». Best Book in the Humanities - Melhor Livro em Humanidades Antonio Candido Prize Presented by the Brazil section Winner Gustavo PT Furtado Duke University Documentary Filmmaking in Contemporary Brazil: Cinematic Archives of the Present Oxford University Press, Honorable Mention Jessica Graham UC San Diego Shifting the Meaning of Democracy: Race, Politics, and Culture in the United States and Brazil University of California Press, Honorable Mention Jacob Blanc University of Edinburgh Before the Flood: The Itaipu Dam and the Visibility of Rural Brazil Duke University Press, american studies association dissertation prize, Best Book Prize in Social Sciences - Melhor Livro em Ciências Sóciais Sérgio Buarque de Holanda Prize Presented by the Brazil section Winner Rebecca Tarlau Pennsylvania State University Occupying Schools, Occupying Land: How the Landless Workers Movement Transformed Brazilian Education Oxford University Press, Honorable Mention Christopher Gibson Simon Fraser University Movement-Driven Development: The Politics of Health and Democracy in Brazil Stanford University Press, Best Dissertation in Humanities — Melhor Tese em Humanidades Antonio Candido Prize Presented by the Brazil section Winner Lúcia Klück Stumpf Universidade de São Paulo Fragmentos de guerra: Imagens e visualidades da guerra contra o Paraguai Honorable Mention Eyal Weinberg University of Texas at Austin Tending to the Body Politic: Doctors, Military Repression, and Transitional Justice in Brazil Best Dissertation in Social Sciences — Melhor Tese em Ciências Sóciais Sérgio Buarque de Holanda prize Presented by the Brazil section Winner Lorena Féres da Silva Telles Ph.
Premio por la obra de Vida Presented by the Cuba section Winner Carmen Diana Deere University of Florida, Gainseville Premio a la Excelencia Académica en los Estudios sobre Cuba. Best Article Award Presented by the Economics and Politics section Winners Sara Niedzwiecki and Santiago Anria University of California, Santa Cruz and Dickinson College Participatory Social Policies: Diverging Patterns in Brazil and Bolivia Honorable Mention Pedro Mendes Loureiro University of Cambridge Social Structure and Distributive Policies Under the PT Governments: A Poverty-Reducing Variety of Neoliberalism.
Premio al mejor ensayo académico por un estudiante de posgrado. Presented by the Ecuadorian Studies section Winner Estefania Aguayo Flacso Ecuador Itinerarios de cáncer de mama: relaciones de género en el ámbito biomédico Honorable Mention Andrea Bravo Díaz University College London American studies association dissertation prize Living Well: An ethnographic study of wellbeing and its challenges along oil roads.
Mejor Ensayo: Categoria General Presented by the Film Studies section Winner Andrew C. Rajca University of South Carolina "Urban Imaginaries, Spatial Practices, american studies association dissertation prize, and Cinematic Aesthetics in Sérgio Bianchi's Os inquilinos Winner Niall Geraghty University College London Sonorous memory in Jonathan Perel¹s El predio and Los murales Premio del mejor ensayo categoria estudiante de posgrado Presented by the Film Studies section Winner Luciana Caresani Universidad de Buenos Aires Representación y memoria en las imágenes de archivo del cine argentino sobre la guerra de Malvinas².
Premio Elsa Chaney Presented by the Gender and Feminist Studies section Winner Annie Wilkinson University of California, american studies association dissertation prize, Irvine The Death Threat of Gender: Security Culture and Transnational Pro-Family Activism in Mexico.
Premio Helen Safa Presented by the Gender and Feminist Studies section Winner Carolina Arango-Vargas Drew University When Sisterhood is at Stake: The Case of a Colombian Feminist NGO in Times of Global Neoliberalism. Guy Alexandre Paper Prize Presented by the Haiti and Dominican Republic section Winner Nancy Kang University of Manitoba Ciguapismo: Rhina P, american studies association dissertation prize. Espaillat's Feminist Hermeneutics of Loss Honorable Mention Julie Sellers Benedictine College From Radio Guarachita to El Tieto eShow.
Isis Duarte Book Prize Presented by the Haiti and Dominican Republic section Winner Jeffrey S. Kahn University of California, Davis Islands of Sovereignty: Haitian Migration and the Borders of Empire Honorable Mention Brandon R. Rebellion and Cold War in the Global s Honorable Mention Alison Bruey University of North Florida Bread, Justice, and Liberty: Grassroots Activism and Human Rights in Pinochet's Chile Honorable Mention Cynthia Milton Université de Montréal Conflicted Memory Military Cultural Interventions and the Human Rights Era in Peru, american studies association dissertation prize.
Artículo en ciencias sociales Presented by the Mexico section Winner Helga Baitenmann University of London "Zapata's Justice: Land and Water Conflict Resolution in Revolutionary Mexico Artículo en humanidades Presented by the Mexico section Winner Sara Potter University of American studies association dissertation prize at El Paso "Of Monsters and Malinches: Signifying Violence in Edgar Cléments Operación American studies association dissertation prize and Tony Sandoval's El cadáver y el sofá.
Libro en ciencias sociales Presented by the Mexico section Winner Natalia de Marinis Centro de Investigación y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social CIESAS Desplazadas por la guerra. Libro en humanidades Presented by the Mexico section Winner Laura J.
Torres-Rodríguez New York University Orientaciones transpacíicas: La modernidad mexicana y el espectro de Asia, University american studies association dissertation prize North Carolina Press Honorable Mention Paul M.
Palacios Western Carolina University and Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning Unwriting Maya Literature: Ts'íib as Recorded Knowledge, University of Arizona Press Honorable Mention Emily Hind University of Florida Dude Lit: Mexican Men Writing and Performing Competence,University of Arizona Press. Tesis doctoral Presented by the Mexico section Winner Jessica Wax-Edwards University of London Power, Violence, and Representation: The Visual Legacy of Felipe Calderón's Presidencty Honorable Mention Bruno Ríos Martínez de Castro University of Houston Escribir sobre la ruina.
LASA2020 Bryce Wood Book Award: Elena A. Schneider
, time: 1:10:29Ralph Henry Gabriel Prize | ASA

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